The PP Yarn Cartridges are designed for use with the Brother knitting machine. They are made of high-quality plastic and can be used with various yarns. The cartridges are easy to install and remove, allowing you to create custom designs with your Brother machine. The cartridges are also compatible with other Brother machines so that you can use them with multiple devices. String Wound Cartridges (Yarn) offer true depth filtration, high dirt-holding capacity, and extremely low media migration. Polypropylene yarn, the main raw material for string wound cartridges, is made from nontoxic, odourless premium polypropylene slice, which is chopped into fibres,
Benefits of PP Yarn Cartridges
The PP Yarn Cartridges are a product that makes it easier to store and transport yarn. It is durable plastic and can hold up to 18 ounces of yarn. The lid screws on tightly to keep the string from coming out and getting tangled. There is also a hole in the centre of the lid which can feed the working end of the thread through so that it does not get lost. This product is great for people who knit or crochet often because it makes it easier to take their yarn with them on the go. Offering PP yarn Wound Polypropylene Micron Cartridge Filters, For Water Filter Prices in Dubai. PP String Wound Cartridge Filters are manufactured with honeycomb construction with FDA-approved polypropylene wound yarn material.

The PP Yarn Cartridges are designed for use with the Brother knitting machine. They are made of high-quality plastic and can be used with a variety of yarns.
Product Brand: Ultratec
Product Currency: aed
Price Valid Until: 2030-06-14
Product In-Stock: InStock